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Creating a Vision Board With a Purpose

Have you ever experienced the realisation that you've got to a place in your life you'd envisioned being? Perhaps you're working for the company/people that you wished you could be...

Have you ever experienced the realisation that you've got to a place in your life you'd envisioned being? Perhaps you're working for the company/people that you wished you could be working for a while ago, but at that point it seemed unrealistic? Or you've travelled to the place that has been on your bucket list since you pinned it on Pinterest or you just moved into a house of your dreams?

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I've experienced a very strong realisation like this a couple of times in my life. The feeling is surreal. You live your life day by day moving in the direction of your dreams/goals and then finally one day you realise that you're there and it's exactly how you wanted it to be. It's such a wonderful feeling and it makes you believe in theLaw of Attraction, doesn't it? It definitely did with me, which is one of the reasons I'm a true believer in setting your goals and having a clear vision of where you want to be heading in your life.

This is the reason I love the idea of a vision board. It's a powerful tool to help you clarify and maintain focus on specific life goals. Not only is creating a vision board a fun activity to do, but it also serves as an opportunity to have a quality “you” time - be present and check-in with yourself. Most of us tend to be super busy in our everyday lives and we're dealing with lots of distractions daily. No matter how your day goes, your vision board is a constant reminder of whatever you want to do and have in your life.


If created with intention and purpose, your vision board can work wonders towards making your desires a reality. It will make you focus on your goals, therefore you'll take control of your life heading in the right direction.

I personally like to prepare before I start doing the actual creative work of putting the board together. This helps crafting a vision board that's created with purpose and intention, so that you can move towards your goals with a sense of clarity and motivation. There are a few things I keep in mind when planning the final look:

  1. Determine if it will be a vision board for the next six months, a year or perhaps 5 years or more. Attach a timeline to it and align your long or short term goals accordingly. I personally suggest creating it for the year ahead. I believe that this will help you narrow down your goals more specifically and have a clear focus of the action steps you need to take in order to make your desires a reality.
  2. Next, decide whether your vision board will represent your future life in general or it will focus on one area only (for example, self-growth, career, relationships, etc.). I created mine around a few areas in life - self-growth, career, well-being and relationships. Since I believe that in order to live a balanced life, all of these areas have to be taken care of, that's what I want to be focusing on over the next 12 months.
  3. Before you start searching, cutting out or printing photos and quotes, get a clear vision of things you want to accomplish and how you want to feel. Be specific with your goals and desires, as it will help you find the perfect images that truly represent your dream life.
  4. You should select images thoughtfully, after all this activity will activate the Law of Attraction - pretty important stuff! :) I wrote down how I want to feel, what values I will live by, my aspirations and big life goals. Then, when I had set myself in the right mood, I wrote down 3 top goals for each of the aspects of life I want to be focusing on: self-growth, career, well-being and relationships.

In order to make your planning and preparation process a bit easier and quicker, I've created a vision board prep printable that you can use to write down your dreams and desires and clarify your vision.


Look at creating a vision board as your little creative project. You are the creative director and you have all the power to build it on your own terms. The purpose of your vision board is to bring your goals, desires and dreams into life.

As mentioned above, self-growth, career, well-being and relationships over the next 12 months is the focus of my vision board. However, to give even more “character” to my vision board, I also add a few more aspects:

  • How do I see myself. Find pictures that represent how you want to look & feel, what qualities you want to have. It could be a photo of someone you admire and for you it can symbolise the characteristics/style/personality you want to have.
  • Great things you already have in your life. To me, gratitude goes hand in hand with planning your future. Before you set your new goals and wonderful life plans for the future, let the universe know you're grateful for all the beautiful experiences so far :) Find photos on your phone/laptop that represent things you're proud of or thankful for. Things like your family, friends, your travel experiences, work or any successful projects so far. This will serve as a reminder that life is already great and there is so much to look forward to on this wonderful journey we call life. This can also be a note or letter that someone has written to you. Most importantly, choose photos/things that evoke emotions, represent the feeling of happiness, gratitude, accomplishment, etc.
  • Words to inspire. I mean, who doesn't love a beautiful & inspiring quote? :) I believe that a vision board should mainly focus on how you want to feel, in order to invite those feelings/emotions into your life. Be selective when finding quotes and make sure to add those that sum up your vision in a sentence or two. Quotes can represent your purpose, how you want to feel, what mindset you want to have or things that you believe in.
  • Big dreams & big ideas. Even though I created my vision board for the next 12 months, I also added images that represent “the big picture” - things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Add a few photos of big dreams that don't require a timeline. These are things you want to experience at some point in your life and they don't have a deadline. This is where you can get really creative and extravagant with your thoughts. Don't put yourself “in a box” in this step.


Now it's time to make the magic happen and have fun during the process.

Look at your dreams, goals and vision and find photos that visually represent this. It doesn't have to be an exact image of a goal/experience/place. You can choose images that simply symbolise these feelings or experiences for you. Remember that a vision board is there to serve you, so it's all about how you see things. It doesn't have to make sense for others. Use your own photos, cutouts from older magazines or print out photos that you have found online - whatever aligns with your vision and speaks to you. Get creative, even abstract - you're the designer.

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My suggestion is to keep your vision board neat, stylish and organised (I'm pretty sure these are also some of the things you would welcome in your life :) ).

Give yourself an hour or two with no distractions. Set the mood - organise the space around you, make a cup of tea and turn on nice background music. First, lay out all the photos on the floor/table before you place them on your vision board. This will help you get the idea of the placement and style of your board. After all, this is a visual representation of your future image, as well as a unique piece of a decor in your house or office.

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Huh! The clarification of your goals and purpose? Check! The preparation? Check! Materials? Check! Created a vision board? Check! :)

Now it's time to make the vision board work for you and start attracting all the awesome things and experiences in your life. I suggest you place the vision board where you can see it every day. I personally keep it on the chest of drawers in my bedroom and it's the first thing I see when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I see when I go to bed. I talk about the importance of visualising and affirmations on our previous blog post on Morning Rituals. Make it work on your subconscious mind.

You have to be intentional about the work and effort that needs to be put in for your dreams to come true. It's important that when you look at your vision board, you truly believe that the goals you've set for yourself will truly come to life. Feel the motivation and inspiration.

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My main advice is to keep in mind that adding random pretty images and quotes won't do the job, which is the reason I suggest taking time and planning while preparing to craft your vision board. Remember, YOU are the one that can make the biggest difference in your life. I believe a vision board is a great tool to keep you focused, so that you can work your magic and make great things happen.

I had so much fun creating my vision board and I hope I've inspired you to make one for yourself. In case you have already crafted one, please share your tips and tricks on how you created yours. If, however, you didn't have one before, but you've decided to create one now, please share a photo of it on Instagram with #inspiredlifediaryvision I would be over the moon to see your boards :)


Thank you so much for reading!

With Love,



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